Study notes, Practice questions, Sample papers, syllabus for theory and practical.
Important Terms with meaning, Practice questions, Sample papers, syllabus for theory and practical.
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Humans have looked for ways to cure illness and heal injuries for thousands of years. The primitive human society used to pray gods or hope for a better future by…
Class-12 Biology Latest Syllabus & Text Book (2023-24)
Class-12 Biology Latest Syllabus & Text Book for the academic year 2023-2024.

Nuclear Meltdown leading to Rapid Evolution – The interesting story of Chernobyl Melanized Frog
Chernobyl black frogs reveal evolution in action The accident at reactor four of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in 1986 generated the largest release of radioactive material into the environment in…

The Fundamental Unit of Life Important Questions-Biology Class 9
Who discovered the first cell under microscope? Name the scientist who discovered the first living cell? What is the meaning of the word cell that is derived from Latin? What…
Class-12 Biology Sample Paper – 3 (Solved) | CBSE Term 2 Examination 2022
This Class-12 Biology Sample Paper – 3 (Solved) covers the following portion: Unit-X : Ecology and Environment Chapter-13: Organisms and Populations Organisms and environment: Habitat and niche, population and ecological…
Class-12 Biology Sample Paper – 4 (Solved) | CBSE Term 2 Examination 2022
Class-12 Full Syllabus Biology Sample Paper based for Term-2 board examinations 2022.

CBSE Class 12 Biology Term 2 Sample Paper with Solution 2021-22
Class-12 Term 2 Sample Papers in Biology as per the latest CBSE sample paper format. The questions comprises mostly of previous year questions. Marking scheme is also available for download.
Class-12 Biology Sample Paper – 2 (Solved) | CBSE Term 2 Examination 2022
This Class-12 Biology Sample Paper – 2 (Solved) covers the following portion: Unit-IX Biotechnology and its Applications Chapter-11: Biotechnology – Principles and ProcessesGenetic Engineering (Recombinant DNA Technology).Chapter-12: Biotechnology and its…
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