Do we really use only 10% of our brain?

Do we really use only 10% of our brain?

Most of us believe in the fact that we use only 10% of our brain. In an average, an adult spends 20% of the total glucose burnt to sustain the brain’s energy requirement, while in children the value goes up to 50% and in infants, it is 60%. As a matter of fact the brain requires a lot…

Branches of Biology and their Fathers​

Here is list of various fields of biology and scientists who are regarded as father or founder of each of the field.

DNA replication

DNA Replication-3D Animation

Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), the genetic material for most of the living organisms, duplicates itself before the cell division by the process of cell division. This animation briefly explains the process of DNA replication, that involves enzymes like the Helicase, Primase, DNA polymerase, Exonuclease and DNA ligase. It also talks about the leading and the lagging…

Molecular Basis of Inheritance | CBSE Biology Class XII Notes

Molecular Basis of Inheritance | CBSE Biology Class XII Notes

Study notes for biology students of class-XII for the chapter Molecular Basis of Inheritance.

Watch how Mosquito uses 6 needles to  bite and suck blood !

Watch how Mosquito uses 6 needles to bite and suck blood !

Ever wondered what really happens when a mosquito sits on your skin and sucks the blood out of you and occasionally leaves behind a gift for you, the virus it carries. The proboscis present in the mosquito’s mouth is a complex system of thin needles, each of which instead consists of six needle-like parts (stylets). It…

DNA to Protein- 3D Animation

DNA to Protein- 3D Animation

The information stored in the DNA is decoded by the process of transcription and translation and results in the formation of the polypeptide chain or the protein, a very important and essential biomolecule in any living organism. This video provides a broad and clear picture of the process of gene expression with the help of…

Like Spider-man, This Spider Shoots Silk to Attack Its Prey

Like Spider-man, This Spider Shoots Silk to Attack Its Prey

Have you ever wonder if spiders can actually shoot spider web, like the one you have seen in Spider-man movies. Well, scientists have identified a spider which is capable of this. Unlike their web-spinning counterparts, ground spiders’ silk glands cannot produce the specific threads needed to anchor a web to surfaces. But they are able…

Biology Animations | Class- 12

Biology Animations | Class- 12

Unit VI: Reproduction Menstrual Cycle In-vitro Fertilization Unit VII: Genetics and Evolution Chapter 5: Principles of Inheritance and Variation Mendel’s Experiment Independent Assortment of Allele Mendel’s Law of Independent Assortment X-Linked Disorder Peternity Testing Chapter 6: Molecular Basis of Inheritance Hershey and Chase Experiment Meselson and Stahl Experiment Meselson and Stahl’s Experiment (suma) Replication Fork DNA Replication Reverse…

Biology Animations | Class- 11

Unit-II:  Structural Organisation in Plants and Animals Life Cycle of Moss Life Cycle of Angiosperm Unit-III: Cell-Structure and Function Chapter 8: Cell: The Unit of Life Cell Fractionation Cell Membrane Structure and Transport of molecules across it Transport of Molecules Across Membrane Uniport, Symport, and Antiport Co-transport (Symport and Antiport) Sodium-Potassium Pump Eukaryotic Cell Organelles Lysosome Endocytosis…

Previous Year Board Question Paper and Marking Scheme | Class-X

Sample Question Paper Science Sample Question Paper : 2019-2020 Marking Scheme Science Sample Question Paper : 2018-2019 Marking Scheme Science Sample Question Paper : 2017-2018 Marking Scheme Science Sample Question Paper : 2016-2017 Marking Scheme Science Sample Question Paper : 2015-2016 Marking Scheme Previous Year Board Question Paper Science-2017 (SA-2)   Science-2017-Set-1-Delhi Marking Scheme Science-2017-Set-2-Delhi Marking…