New Guidelines for CBSE Term-I Board Examination 2021
You might be aware that CBSE will be conducting the Term-I examination for students of class-10 and class-12 in a manner different than other years. In this regard CBSE has released new guidelines for CBSE Term-I examination.
Duration of Examination : 90 minutes
Reading time before the exam starts : 20 minutes
Guidelines for CBSE Term-I
Bell Schedule:
1 | # Last Entry in the examination center # Distribution of OMR | Long Bell |
2 | Distribution of question paper | Single Bell |
3 | Commencement of examination | Long Bell |
4 | After one hour | Single Bell |
5 | Warning Bell (10 minutes before the exam ends) | Single Bell |
6 | Exam Concludes | Long Bell |
Seating Arrangement:
To maintain the COVID guidelines and to conduct the exam in proper way CBSE has decided the following for the seating arrangement.
- Only 12 students in a room.
- Seating arrangement to change everyday.
Important instructions for filling OMR?
- All the students’ data will be already printed when the OMR is given to you.
- You need to write the following:
- Question paper code (you will get it from the question paper) in the space provided on the upper right side.
- You need to write “I confirm that all particulars given above are correct”, in running hand in the space provided towards the bottom of the OMR and also you need to put your full signature.
- For filling OMR the student must use a blue/black ball point pen only.
- Use of pencil to fill OMR will be considered as UFM (Unfair Means).
- Leaving the circle blank by students will also come under UFM.
How to fill OMR?
- After careful reading of the question paper, fill the appropriate bubble.
- Then write the correct option in the box provided for each of the questions (*) ‘a’ or ‘b’ or ‘c’ or ‘d’.
- In case you have bubble a wrong answer for a question and want to change, write the correct answer in the box (*).
- For all the questions that you are not attempting, you must bubble the circle below the Sign (#).
- If you do not fill any bubbles or do not fill the box, then that particular question will be considered as not attempted.

Source : CBSE
- The answer written in the box will be treated as final and will be used for evaluation.
- If you bubble the correct answer but do not write it in the box, it will be considered as the question is not attempted.
- If you do not bubble the correct answer but write the answer in the box, then the question will be considered as attempted and would be evaluated.
Rough Work:
A4 size paper for rough work will be provided to all the students during the examination by the assistant superintendent.
The rough paper will be numbered and will have the facsimile of the center superintendent.
Webinar by CBSE on Term-I Examination Guidelines
Source Circular :
Class-XII Study Materials : Click Here
Class-X Study Materials : Click Here