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Management of Natural Resources – Practice Questions | Class-X


  1. What does the presence of Coliform bacteria in water indicate? (2015)
  2. Name any two wastes which can be recycled and reused. (2016)


  1. State the main purpose of water harvesting system and also mention the sources which fill the ponds behind harvesting structures. (2014)
  2. Compare reuse over recycling, a method for conservation of the environment. (2014 & 2016) 
  3. Name the three ‘R’s to save the environment. Explain any one with the help of one example. (Write in full form) (2012)
  4. Why was Coliform bacteria chosen to indicate the level of pollution in Ganga? Mention two major factors due to which the Ganga has become polluted. (2016)
  5. Though the Kulhads are made up of clay which is an eco-friendly substance, their use has been discontinued in the trains nowadays. Explain those reasons which lead to the discontinuance of this practice. (2016)


  1. A forest that was rich in biodiversity sees a decline in its animal population. The government declares it as a biodiversity hotspot and it regained its species richness in a few years. (2016)
    1. State two values that are being promoted by the government in the above case.
    2. Mention any two ill effects that would have occurred if the forest was not declared a biodiversity hotspot.
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