Biodiversity and Conservation | NCERT Line Extract | Class-12 Biology Practice Questions
1. Who was Edward Wilson?
2. Define biodiversity.
3. In India, more than 50000 different strains of rice are available. What category of diversity will it come under?
4. Differentiate between genetic and species diversity.
5. What is ecological diversity? Provide an example of the same.
6. What was the contribution of Robert May in the field of ecology?
7. Why is India considered as one of the 12 mega diversity countries of the world?
8. Diversity of the plants and animals is not uniform throughout the world. Explain the statement with the help of an example of diversity in latitudinal gradient.
9. Why do tropics have greater diversity than temperate?
10. Represent graphically species area relationship.
11. Provide the equation for calculating species richness.
12. What is the ‘Z’ value for frugivores and mammals in tropical forests of different continents?
13. What was David Tilman’s contribution in the field of ecology?
14. Explain the rivet popper hypothesis. Name the Stanford ecologist who proposed it.
15. What is IUCN red list? Provide examples of any two extinct species.
16. How is the sixth extinction presently in progress different from previous episodes?
17. State the three consequences of loss of biodiversity in a region.
18. Explain the evil quartet of biodiversity loss.
19. How does over-exploitation leads to extinction of species? Provide an example of the same.
20. What impact did the illegal introduction of the African catfish Clarias had in the river where it was introduced?
21. What led to the extinction of more than 200 species of Cichlid fish in Lake Victoria in East Africa?
22. How does the narrowly utilitarian view differ from broadly utilitarian view of biodiversity conservation?
23. Define bioprospecting
24. Why can’t we put a economic value to the services offered by the nature?
25. What is the view point of ethical argument for conservation of biodiversity?
26. An animal species is in an endangered condition. To save this species the entire forest (habitat of the species) was protected. What do you call this kind of approach to save the species?
27. Why in-situ conservation cannot be used for all the situations?
28. What is the number of biodiversity hotspots in the world?
29. What are sacred groves? Provide any two examples.
30. How many biosphere reserves are there in India?
31. How has the modern techniques helped ex-situ conservation to save the threatened species?
32. What do you understand by ex-situ conservation? State two methods by which it can be implemented.
33. What was the intension behind the Earth summit held at Rio de Janeiro?