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Important Years in NCERT-Biology | Class 12

Important Years in NCERT-Biology-Class-12

Important Years in NCERT-Biology-Class-12

Dear Students, you may come across questions based on the year in which a particular scientific discovery/event had occurred, in the class-12 board exam or NEET. This list of Important years in NCERT will help you to quickly recap important event/discovery mentioned in class-12 biology text book.

Chapter 4 – Reproductive Health

1951Introduction of Family Planning Programme by Government of India.
1971Government of India legalised MTP.
2017The Medical Termination of Pregnancy (Amendment) Act.

Chapter 5 – Principles of Inheritance and Variation

1856-1863Hybridisation experiments on garden peas by Gregor Mendel.
1865Publication of work done be Mendel.
1900de Vries, Correns and von Tschermak independently rediscovered Mendel’s results on the inheritance of characters.
1902Understanding of chromosomal movement during meiosis.
1891Experiments by Henking on insects led to the discovery of X-body.
1866First description of Down’s syndrome (Trisomy 21) by Langdon Down.

Chapter 6 – Molecular Basis of Inheritance

1869Indentification of DNA as an acidic substance present in nucleus (Nuclein) by Freirich Meischer.
1953Watson and Crick proposed the sinple but famous Double Helix structure of DNA.
1928Frederick Griffith’s Transforming principle experiment.
1933-1944Biochemical Characterisation of Transforming Principle by Oswald Avery, Colin MacLeod and Maclyn McCarty.
1952Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase’s experiment with bacteriophase to prove DNA being the genetic material.
1953Watson and Crick suggested the semiconservative mode of DNA replication.
1958Experimental proof of semiconservative mode of DNA replication by Matthew Meselson and Franklin Stahl.
1958Experiments on n Vicia faba (faba beans) by Taylor and colleagues to proove DNA replicates semiconservatively.
1900Launch of Human Genome Project.
2003Completion of Human genome project.
2006The sequence of chromosome-1 was completed.

Chapter 7 – Evolution

1953S.L. Miller conducted his experiment to prove the concept of chemical evolution.

List of Abbreviations in Class-12 Biology Textbook.

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Chapter 9 – Strategies for Enhancement in Food Production

1963High yielding disease resistent wheat varities like Sonalika and Kalyan Sona were introduced.

Chapter 11 – Biotechnology – Principles and Processes

1972Construction of the first recombinant DNA by Stanley Cohen and Herbert Boyer.
1963Isolation of two enzymes responsible for restricting the growth of bacteriophage in Escherichia coli. (Isolation of Restriction Endonuclease).

Chapter 12 – Biotechnology and its application

1983First genetically engineered insulin developed by American Company Eli Lily.
1990The first clinical gene therapy was done for a 4 year old girl with ADA deficiency.
1997The first transgenic cow, Rosie, produced human protein-enriched milk (2.4 grams per litre).
1997An American company got patent rights on Basmati rice through the US Patent and Trademark Office.

Chapter 15 – Biodiversity and Conservation

1992Convention on Biological Diversity (‘The Earth Summit’) held in Rio de Janeiro.
2002World Summit on Sustainable Development.

Chapter 16 – Environmental Issues

1986Enforcement of Environment (Protection) Act to protect and improve the quality of our environment (air, water and soil) by Government of India.
1981Enforcement of Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act.
1987Ammendement of Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act to include noise as an air pollutant.
1974Enforcement of Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 to safeguard our water resources in India.
1987The Montreal Protocol, was signed at Montreal (Canada) to control the emission of ozone depleting substances (effective in 1989) .
1988Introduction of National Forest Policy of India.
1974Chipko Movement of Garhwal Himalayas.
1980Government of India introduced the concept of Joint Forest Management (JFM), where the government could work closely with the local communities for pretecting and managing forests.
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