Branches of Biology and their Fathers​

Here is list of various fields of biology and scientists who are regarded as father or founder of each of the field.

Father of Biology Aristotle
Father of Modern Biology Linnaeus
Father of Antibiotics Alexander Fleming
Father of Taxonomy Carolus Linnaeus
Father of Immunology Edward Jenner
Father of Microbiology Anton van Leeuwenhoek
Father of Modern Microbiology Louis Pasteur
Father of Medical Microbiology Robert Koch
Father of Pathology Rudolph Virchow
Father of Bacteriology Robert Koch
Father of Virology W.M.Stanley
Father of Embryology Aristotle
Father of Modern Embryology Ernst Von Baer
Father of Physiology Stephan Hales
Father of Modern experimental physiology Claude Bernard
Father of Genetics Rev. Gregor Mendel
Father of Modern Genetics Bateson
Father of Human Genetics/ Biochemical genetics Arachibald Garrod
Father of Experimental Genetics T.H. Morgan
Father of Ecology Theophrastus
Father of Cloning Ian Willmut
Father of Plant anatomy Grew
Father of Histology (Microscopic anatomy) Malpighi
Father of Cytology Robert Hooke
Father of modern Cytology Swanson
Father of Paleontology Leonard da Vinci
Father of modern Paleontology Cuvier
Father of Concept of Evolution Empedocles
Father of Botany Theophrastus
Father of Modern Botany Bauhin
Father of Zoology Aristotle
Father of Biochemistry Liebig
Father of Epidemiology John Snow
Father of Plant Pathology de Bary
Father of Modern Pathology Rudolf Virchow
Father of Genetic Engineering Paul Berg
Father of Gene therapy Anderson
Father of Ethology Konard Lorentz
Father of Endocrinology Thomas Addison
Father of Eugenics Galton
Father of Gerantology Korenchevsk
Father of Palynology Erdtman
Father of Stress physiology Hans Selye
Father of Electrocardiography Einthoven
Father of DNA Fingerprinting Alec Jeffery
Father of Mycology Micheli
Father of Bryology Hedwig
Father of ATP cycle Lipmann
Father of AnatomyHerophilus
Father of Modern Anatomy Andreas Vesalius
Father of actinobiology / radiation biology HJVS Muller
Father of Homeopathy Hahnemann
Father of Ayurveda Charka
Father of Surgery and Plastic Surgery Susruta
Father of Blood circulation William Harvey
Father of Medicine Hippocrates
Father of Blood Group Landsteiner
Father of Polio Vaccine Jonas Salk
Father of Green Revolution Norman Borlaug oj

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