Our Environment – Practice Questions | Class-X


  1. Write any two consequences if decomposers are removed from the ecosystem. (2014)
  2. Producers always occupy the first tropic level in any food chain. Justify the statement. (2014)
  3. Name the organism(s) belonging to fourth trophic level in the food chain comprising of: (2012)
    Snakes, Insects, Frogs, Plants, Hawks
  1. Name the chemical compound which depletes the ozone layer. (2012)
  2. Select the biodegradable wastes from the following. (2011)
    DDT, Crop’s residue, leather, and glass
  1. In a food chain consisting of snake, insect, grass, and frog, assign an appropriate trophic level to frog. (2011)
  2. Name two chemicals which are responsible for thinning of the ozone layer. (2016)


  1. How does mining disturb ecological balance? (2014)
  2. We should not use polybags as they are non-biodegradable and cause pollution. How can we replace them to become environmental friendly? (2015)
  3. Explain an agricultural practice that has a harmful effect on the ecosystem. (2015)
  4. What is ozone? How does it protect the organisms on the earth? (2011)
  5. Suggest any four activities from day to day life which are eco-friendly. (2016)


  1. Ram was studying in class X in a fully air-conditioned International school, and Mohit was studying in a village school. The school building of Mohit was surrounded by trees and greenery. There were a roof garden and well-maintained rose garden in his school. Once they met at a function and Ram started boasting about his school. When Mohit explained how his school was better, Ram agreed. (2014)
    1. What reason could Mohit have given that convinced Ram?
    2. What are the ill effects of using air conditioners, refrigerators?
    3. What does UNEP stand for?
    4. Name the chemical whose production was banned in 1986 by UNEP.
  2. Newspaper reports about the alarming increase in pesticide levels in packed food items. Some of the states have even banned these products. (2016)
    1. What are the sources of pesticides in these packed food items?
    2. As a student what steps would you take to create awareness in people about the pesticide level in packed food items?
    3. What values are portrayed here?



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