Biotechnology : Principle and Processes | NCERT Line Extract | Class-12 Biology

Biotechnology : Principle and Processes | NCERT Line Extract | Class-12 Biology

1.     State the two principles that gave rise to modern biotechnology. 2.     Define the term biotechnology as given by EFB. 3.     Why is maintaining aseptic conditions important for the biotechnological studies? 4.     What do you understand by a cloning of DNA? 5.     What do you call the specific sequence of DNA essential for multiplying any foreign piece of DNA in…

Biotechnology and its Application

Biotechnology and its Application | NCERT Line Extract | Class-12 Biology

Biotechnology and its application Questions extracted from NCERT Text book.

Organisms and Populations - NCERT Line Extract

Organisms and Populations | NCERT Line Extract | Class-12 Biology Practice Questions

1.   Comment on the mean annual precipitation and the mean annual temperature of the alpine and arctic tundra biome. 2.   A biome is having a mean annual precipitation ranging from 150 cm -400 cm and mean annual temperature of 20-250C. identify the biome. 3.  Define biome. How is it different from a population? 4.  State the two factors that…

Biodiversity and Conservation - NCERT Line Extract

Biodiversity and Conservation | NCERT Line Extract | Class-12 Biology Practice Questions

1. Who was Edward Wilson? 2. Define biodiversity. 3. In India, more than 50000 different strains of rice are available. What category of diversity will it come under? 4. Differentiate between genetic and species diversity. 5. What is ecological diversity? Provide an example of the same. 6. What was the contribution of Robert May in the field of ecology? 7. Why is…

Important Years in NCERT-Biology-Class-12

Important Years in NCERT-Biology | Class 12

This list of Important years in NCERT will help you to quickly recap important event/discovery mentioned in class-12 biology text book.

Biology Investigatory Project- cbsebiology4u

Biology Investigatory Project : Class-12 | What is it & How to write it ?

What is an investigatory project? So, when you are performing a practical in the laboratory, you are guided by your teacher and most probably you are already aware of the possible outcome and the reasons for it. But when you are performing an investigation, you are not instructed on the process to follow, rather you…

List of Scientists and their Contributions | Class-12 Biology

List of Scientists and their Contributions | Class-12 Biology

Find the complete list of all scientists and their contributions given in the NCERT Class-12 Biology textbook. Useful for the short answer type questions

List of Abbreviations and their Expansion | Class 12 Biology

List of Abbreviations and their Expansion | Class 12 Biology

This post contains the chapter wise list of abbreviations used and its expansion, in the Biology NCERT Text Book of Class XII.