Biotechnology and its Application | NCERT Line Extract | Class-12 Biology
1. What are the three critical areas of research of biotechnology?
2. List the five benefits that genetic modifications have resulted in the plants.
3. Why the toxic insecticidal protein does not kill the Bacillus?
4. How does the inactive protein become active?
5. Name the plant and the plant part that is targeted by the pathogenic nematode Melydogene incognitia.
6. How does a plant that has been genetically modified to carry ‘cry’ gene kill certain types of insects?
7. Explain the concepts of RNAi.
8. How can the RNA interference mechanism be exploited to make plants pest resistance?
9. What would a diabetic patient need to do if enough of insulin is not produced by his/her body?
10. What is the side-effect of giving insulin to a diabetic person with insulin extracted from other animals?
11. Why is the insulin not administered orally?
12. What is pro insulin? How is it different from matured insulin?
13. How the American company did produced the human insulin through genetic engineering?
14. What d you understand by gene therapy? To whom and when it was first administrated to?
15. What is the role of ADA in the body?
16. State the two methods by which ADA deficiency can be cured? What are the limitations of these two methods? Is there a permanent cure in such situations?
17. What is the difference between conventional diagnostic technique and molecular diagnostic technique?
18. How can we detect the presence of a bacteria and a virus in the body when the symptoms of the disease are not yet visible?
19. Can PCR be used to diagnose cancer and other related genetic disorder? If yes, explain the process.
20. How are the transgenic animal used to study the normal physiology and development in an organism?
21. Name the first transgenic cow? How was the milk obtained here was different from other cows?
22. Name any two human disease for which model of animals exists to study the disease.
23. How was transgenic animal used for the treatment of emphysema?
24. Number of the transgenic animals is being produced including rats, rabbits. Pigs, cow etc. How does man benefit from these modifications?
25. What does ‘GEAC’ stand for? State its role in India.
26. With the help of two examples explain the concept of biopiracy.
27. According to you what are the ethical issues that could arise due to biotechnological research?
28. Why the Indian government did clear the 2nd amendment of the Indian Patent Bill?
29. Is it justifiable to grant patents by a country to the usage or modification of living organisms involved in public services such as medicine and food?